Share Information

We offer sustainable investing, with a strong ESG platform, high-yielding and above-market returns, and a robust pipeline of renewable energy assets for long-term growth and capital appreciation.

Share Information


Total Outstanding Shares

6,545,454,004 common shares


Exchange where listed

The Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE)


Top 20 Stockholders


The following table shows the Company's Top 20 Shareholders as of 30 June 2024:




% Share

 PCD Nominee Corporation (Filipino)  4,519,067,093  69.04%
 SM Investments Corporation   1,884,374,000  28.79%
 PCD Nominee Corporation (Non-  Filipino)  134,197,903  2.05%
 Carousel Holdings, Inc.  7,310,000  0.11%
 Chang Han-Chun  328,000  0.01%
 Group 168 Holdings Corporation  75,000  0.00%
 Villanueva, Myra P.  40,000  0.00%
 Villanueva, Milagros P.  20,000  0.00%
 Villanueva, Myrna P.    20,000  0.00%
 Cabreza, Juan Carlos V.  10,000  0.00%
 Cabreza, Marietta V.  10,000   0.00%
 Ramos, Jennifer T.  2,000  0.00%
 Saavedra, Edgar B.  1  0.00%
 Tan, Oliver Y.  1  0.00%
 Ferrer, Manuel Louie B.  1  0.00%
 Aguirre, Ian Jason R.  1  0.00%
 Uychaco, Elizabeth Anne C.  1  0.00%
 Herbosa, Emmanuel G.  1  0.00%
 Layug, Jose M.  1  0.00%
 Juan, Pacita U.  1  0.00%
 TOTAL  6,545,454,004  100.00%


Citicore Energy REIT Corp. (C-REIT)is the country’s first energy REIT, focused on delivering excellent value and attractive returns to shareholders by responsibly harnessing nature’s resources and empowering communities. C-REIT operates as a REIT upon compliance with the Philippine REIT Law.

© Copyright | Citicore Renewable Energy REIT Corporation 2024